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Welcome to my blog!

Writer: Nieves Garcia PerchinNieves Garcia Perchin

Updated: May 28, 2020

After giving it some thought for a few months now, I have decided to start my own blog. I got tired of depending on social media posts to share my work updates, film preferences, and knowledge. I wanted to have all of this content in one place. And what better moment to launch than in these crazy coronavirus times.

As my next short film 'Void' is in pre production, I realized I could use this space to also share news about it. It is about time that I combine myself with my work. I wouldn't be me without my work, and my work is totally dependant of who I am and what I go through.

So, for those of you who don't know me

My name is Nieves Garcia Perchin and this is me on set. (I guess a picture with a camera always gives you credibility about being a filmmaker.)

Now jokes aside, I never touch the camera. Not only because it's not my job, but also because I don't want to. It's kind of scary to be touching so much money worth of equipment.

But it's not only the fear of dropping it with my butter fingers and never getting a job ever again. I'm also more interested in the creative side of the story. Don't get me wrong: the visuals are a huge part of the story but the science behind the camera, it's too much for me. Every number beyond the scene number is a no-go for me.

So what do I do in film? How can I take cool pictures on set if it's not with the camera?

Not sure this is as fun, but here is me directing:

The Spaniard Director

Okay, I get it. Doesn't look like anything really but that picture was taken during a rehearsal on the production of one of my student shorts: 'Check In'. (I can talk about this short more in depth in another post.)

I'm currently starting in my directing career. I have always loved to tell stories and have written short stories since I was very young. But I realized that I would always picture the story as a film, with all of the shots and specifics. So I started to write screenplays for stories I wanted to tell visually.

I did my BA in Film, TV, and Media Studies at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. I did a Certificate in Film Directing at Instituto del Cine de Madrid. And since apparently 5 years of education weren't piling up enough, I did an MFA in Directing at Boston University. I'm currently part of the Sandbox Directors Workshop, where we connect and practice directing actors everyweek. I know, that is a lot of directing.

I really believe that you need training to be a director. You can always have good instincts, but you need education (another topic I want to discuss later on). I learned different ways of approaching indications to actors, and I can use them as needed. Or even mix them.

I write and direct stories about loss, healing, feeling misplaced, fear and mental illnesses. Here's my last short documentary about depression:

My favorite genres are psychological thriller, sci-fi, and drama. Some dark comedy as well.

I feel directing is what I do best and what I'm meant to do. I will go in depth on my short films another time!

But I'm only an emerging director at this point. I have a few selections and even an award in my last short films, so this is only the beginning for me. My next short Void will be my most professional project to date. I'm very excited to share updates with you.

My main goal is to write and direct my own feature films. And let's say it: to make a living out of it. That would already be success for me. But there's nothing wrong in daydreaming about the Oscars, am I right?

Script Supervisor: The eye of the tiger.

Script supervisor, that great unknown for so many independent small productions. The keepers of continuity so your film has a way of cutting together without you losing your mind in the edit bay.

Not going to crack it down today but don't worry, I definitely will.

I love script supervising because I'm the right hand of the director, and I'm the only person on set seeing the story as a whole while shooting. The DP is busy with the visuals, the art director is making sure they have the props for the current scene, and the director is focusing a little bit on everything but mostly on the performance and the emotional tone of the scene.

But me as a script supervisor, I have to be the person with all of the info and details of the script in my head. Not only for the scene being shot but all of the others as well. Is it the same wardrobe from scene 38? Did the character change now that he is home? Did he use his right hand to eat the sandwich? Does it make sense that her hair is a bit messier from the scene before, shot 2 weeks ago? If she arrived home late from work, shouldn't it be darker outside the window? If this is February in New York, she definitely should wear a coat, right?

I could go on forever with all the small details I have to care about but I don't want to bore you, not for now.

I love the constant conversation with all of the departments to make sure that all of these details are nailed down. Script Supervising makes me a better director and directing makes me a better script supervisor. It's the perfect symbiosis for me.

Thank you for reading

Well, this was my first post where I tell you a little bit about myself and what you can expect from this blog.

I will be sharing updates on my life, my upcoming Production Company with Chase Shamlian -- Yes! Here's the first news! -- my short film Void, films that I love and that I will analyze, filmmaking resources, anecdotes from set, advice, and more!

Feel free to comment with any questions or topics you would like me to write about on future posts.

So excited about this chapter and finding mroe motivation in these coronavirus times! Thank you for reading and see you in the next one!

Don't forget to give it some love and follow me on Instagram: @ngpfilms.


Your Spaniard Director



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